A Network Based Initiative
Disclaimer : Everything published here is my original content/idea and I am the sole proprietor of the published content.
QualHelp is a social platform to help people in medical emergencies avail faster treatment and support through a community of micro-volunteers. Most of the time, people are busy with their lives so much that they may even miss checking upon their neighbours, let alone the people living in their community. This trend is expected to grow considering how everyone gets more and more absorbed in their technology-driven self-centered lifestyle. QualHelp aims to cure this by enabling people to sign up for micro-volunteering in small things whenever someone is in an emergency. The team helps train the micro-volunteers and allows them to respond only in times in which they can do so. This helps create community support for the patient, and also helps generate more and more awareness amongst the people. The vision is a to build an autonomous human infrastructure for medical emergencies.
“India is a nation where there is a half an hour guarantee on the Delivery of Pizza, but not an Ambulance ”
Healthcare in India is still an upcoming field. Even though there are a lot of hospitals and the technology is progressing faster than ever, the accessibility to these facilities by people is still highly limited. The biggest hindrance is population: There are just too many people, which creates problems in management and reaching the hospitals! Hence, if a way could be developed to ease this process, then it would have a very high demand
Problems Faced
Hundreds of people suffer through severe cases of illnesses, just because of the delay in treatment. A survey of about 200 people in Bangalore led to a shocking 80% of them being unsatisfied with the treatment just because of the time it took them to reach the hospital and other logistic delays. Three primary contributing factors are :
Inability of the patient to inform timely ( Geriatric cases )
Delay in the ambulance reaching the patient
Lack of a stable mindset in the people around the patient, leading to more panic
Ground Zero Problem
Problem Statement
Key Questions Asked
Will You Be a Part of the Micro-Volunteering Community?
Do You Want To See A Change In the Existing Medical System?
How Would You Rate the Connectivity Of Ambulances In India?
Our solution is simple: We add the element of community to this scenario. Qualhelp provides a secondary deployment of micro-volunteers to the rescue. These are people who live in the same neighbourhood as the patient. In an emergency scenario, a patient just has to press an icon, or a button on their phone and a SOS signal is sent to all the micro volunteers and family members with the detail of the patient’s address. The primary work that these micro volunteers have to do is to reduce the panic for the patient and inform the hospital staff by filling up a checklist on the app. The whole thing would be coordinated by the Qualhelp team in an efficient manner, in order to reduce all the latencies. Now, to this layer of community effort, the model can be scaled up to
include technological add-ons to make the system more efficient, like creating a corridor in traffic for the ambulance which can be integrated into the existing infrastructure.
The idea came up in a bootcamp in BMS College Of Engineering Bangalore. It was initially just an idea to deliver medical services. However, we realised that the root problem was not just people, but also support! There was nothing providing support to the people in Panic. Moreover, if the biggest factor that plays a role in this scenario is population, why not use it to you advantage ? Hence, we decided to create this into a social initiative that includes more and more people that can come together to solve this problem instead of a for-profit venture.